Brian Wu, Ph.D.

Brian Wu, Ph.D.

Brian W. Wu, Ph.D. graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park with a Bachelor of Science in Physiology and Neurobiology.

Medical Credentials

Brian currently holds a Ph.D. in Integrative Biology and Disease for his research in exercise physiology and rehabilitation. He also earned his medical degree from the University of Southern California concentrating in sports medicine, exercise physiology, and rehabilitation. His vision is to integrate holistic healthcare with the capabilities of social media, medical technology, and education to provide the best care for patients he can both in person and through research, technology, and education.

Published Health Author

Brian believes that stories are powerful. They deliver knowledge through experience and emotion. As a writer, author, advisor, and actor who believes in the power of stories, Brian aims to deliver its multiple benefits throughout all his roles.

He is the author of several Health Stories for Kids (formerly known as Storybook Illustrated Guides) books including Where Did My Bean Burger Go? and Sam's Secret Life. The idea for the first Health Stories for Kids occurred to Brian as a fifth-grader, when he wrote a story named Wacky Olympics, and another entitled Body Wars, which is a personification of the immune system and how human bodies fight disease.

As a freelance writer/blogger, Brian’s style of writing is focused on delivering exceptional content. He has a vast experience in topics related to health, technology, science, lifestyle, business, and finance.

Connect With Brian W. Wu, Ph.D.

Brian has a busy career, but you can reach out via his profile on


Most Recent Contributions by Brian Wu, Ph.D.

Bike Size Charts

Have you ever taken a new bike for a test ride only to find it just didn't feel right? There is actually more to sizing up these simple mach ... Read More

All Contributions by Brian Wu, Ph.D.

Brian Wu, Ph.D.