According to Yoga Point, lion pose stretches facial, eye and tongue muscles, and promotes greater blood supply to these muscle groups. Individuals who are new to yoga may want to attempt lion pose by first sitting on a block, and then gradually transitioning into the traditional version of the pose.
Performing the Pose
- Kneel on the floor with your shins flat on the ground and your feet pointing away from your body.
- Cross your right foot over your left, so the top of the right foot is resting comfortably in the crook between the heel and the calf of the left leg.
- Place your palms on your knees, and spread your fingers apart, so as to mimic the claws of a lion.
- Take a deep breath, opening your mouth wide and stretching your tongue out, reaching it toward your chin.
- Open your eyes wide, focusing on a spot between the eyebrows or on the tip of the nose, and exhale deeply, making a "ha" noise.
- Roar two or three times.
- Change the cross of the legs, and repeat steps 2-6.
Those who experience knee or back pain while performing lion pose may want to make minor modifications. In fact, performing lion pose on a blanket can relieve knee pain, notes Yoga Basics, and can be helpful for those who suffer from joint dysfunction.
Shaw reports that yogis with limited back flexibility can still perform lion pose by sitting on a yoga block that has been placed between your feet.
Maximizing Lion Pose
Lion pose is an effective beginning-level yoga pose that can provide numerous benefits to yogis of any stage. Individuals who suffer from digestive distress and weak digestion may notice improvements in health as a result of the performance of lion pose.