Wendy Melton, CPT

Wendy has been writing professionally for many years. After working primarily in the legal and healthcare fields, she began to explore her options. She began her writing career as one of the contributing writers that worked to build the library for the Livestrong.com website.

Personal Trainer

As a personal trainer, she helped to create customized workout programs for a variety of goals including both weight loss and competition body building programs. She is also an experienced weight lifter and softball catcher. She has participated in a variety of sports and has a working knowledge of the body and how it works. Because of this in-depth experience, she is able to create personalized, and highly detailed workout programs for her clients.

Yoga Practitioner

She uses yoga as part of her exercise programs as well as for stress relief and increased flexibility and range of motion. Her work as a personal/athletic trainer included using exercises and therapies that fostered healing on many levels. Yoga is ideal for individuals who are trying to regain muscle and improve flexibility and range of motion. Wendy uses yoga poses and movements to help her clients relax and improve their range of motion and flexibility.

Certified Herbalist

Wendy is a Certified Herbalist with about two decades of experience. Her goal has always been to reduce her family's reliance on conventional medications by treating many common health issues with herbs and other holistic and alternative therapies. Being raised in a farming family where home remedies were the norm and not the exception, she began learning at a very early age and continued on when she began her own family.

More About Wendy Melton

Her knowledge and years of experience give her a unique perspective on many levels. She continues to learn and explore the world around her in as many ways as possible. As a writer, her goal is to educate others so they too, can live healthier, more active lives. If you'd like to learn more about her work, visit her on LinkedIn.

Most Recent Contributions by Wendy Melton, CPT

Best Boot Camps for Adults

Weight loss and fitness boot camps can give people who are serious about losing weight the opportunity to try a different approach. Accounta ... Read More

All Contributions by Wendy Melton, CPT

Wendy Melton, CPT