Crucial Developments Happening at 34 Weeks Pregnant

Little girl kissing pregnant mom's belly

At 34 weeks, you may be feeling ready to deliver your little one; however, your baby still has some developing to do. As you wait out the final weeks of your pregnancy, it's a great time to get things ready for your baby's arrival.

Your Baby's Development

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Download this pregnancy calendar

If you haven't already done so, week 34 is a good time to prepare your home for your baby's birth. While most women won't give birth until after 37 weeks, there is always a possibility that your bundle of joy could arrive earlier than expected. If you're carrying multiplies, it's especially important to be prepared for your delivery. Most mothers of multiples will go into labor before pregnancy calendar week 37. In fact, 60 percent of twin deliveries occur before 37 weeks.

Getting ready for your baby's arrival can be a great way to take your mind off your discomfort during these last few weeks of pregnancy. You may want to pack your hospital bag, wash your baby's clothing, and stock up on diapers. If you're still feeling up to cooking, you may want to stock your freezer with casseroles and other easy-to-prepare meals. It's also a good idea to keep your car filled with gas at all times.

If you have other children at home, involving them in the preparations can help facilitate the bonding process. Have your young children make a banner for the nursery or a handmade card for their new brother or sister's baby book. If your children are slightly older, use a doll to teach them how to diaper and hold a baby. Since many children feel left out when a new sibling arrives, make it a point to spend some one-on-one quality time with your older children during these last few weeks of your pregnancy.

If you need help downloading the pregnancy calendar, check out these helpful tips.

Looking Forward

If you're starting to grow tired of being pregnant, you can take comfort in knowing that there is now a light at the end of the tunnel. You only need to endure a few more weeks of stretch marks, itching, indigestion, constipation, round ligament pains, frequent urination, and other bothersome pregnancy symptoms before you get to meet your baby for the first time.

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Crucial Developments Happening at 34 Weeks Pregnant