Because the condition itself is really a culmination of different disorders, metabolic syndrome symptoms can vary widely. This explains why it is sometimes difficult to diagnose or for an individual to recognize they may have it. Here are a few signs and symptoms you should watch out for, if you believe you may have metabolic syndrome.
Metabolic Syndrome Symptoms
- Thirst - If you begin to notice you experience thirst more often or with more intensity, this could be a sign.
- Carbohydrate Cravings - Often associated with insulin resistance, carbohydrate cravings can also be a sign that you have already developed diabetes, as well.
- Weight Gain - If you are overweight or obese, this can often lead to the development of other disorders within the metabolic syndrome family.
- Dizzy Spells - If your blood sugar is high, you may experience lightheadedness or dizzy spells.
- A Positive Result - If you've had a positive test result for any of the above disorders, like high blood sugar, high triglycerides, or high blood pressure, you are at-risk for having or developing metabolic syndrome.
Risk Factors
There are also several risk factors you should be aware of if you are concerned you or someone you know may have metabolic syndrome.
- Obesity - Again, the importance of maintaining a healthy weight cannot be stressed enough in order to prevent your development of this condition. Those who carry belly fat in the "apple shape" rather than in the "pear shape" are at higher risk.
- Low Level of Activity - If you live a sedentary lifestyle without much exercise, you may be at risk for developing metabolic syndrome.
- Age - Though this condition can affect people of almost any age, even during childhood, the risk rises as you age.
- Race - Some studies suggest those of Hispanic or Asian descent may have a slightly higher risk of developing the syndrome. This by no means excludes other races, as mitigating factors such as family history, obesity, and level of activity may outweigh the race factor.
- Heredity - If your family has a history of the condition or of diabetes, this may raise your own risk. Be sure to alert your doctor if this is the case for you.
For more information about risk factors and symptoms of metabolic syndrome or for treatment, talk to your family doctor.