Kripalu Yoga

Selecting the top 10 yoga videos is always a subjective view, but we hope this list gives you a place to start.
If you're looking for a deeply relaxing routine, this intermediate-level practice with Kripalu instructor Stephen Cope features a series of 30 classical asanas, both standing and sitting, and closes with meditation.
Ashtanga: The Primary Series

Instructor Richard Freeman gently guides yogis new to this style in this highly recommended DVD. Ashtanga is a vigorous practice, but devotees tout many its many benefits.
This is one in a series of Freeman's DVDs for Ashtanga, and helpful to beginners.
Anusara Yoga

John Friend is the founder of Anusara Yoga. This DVD, Riding the Waves of Grace, is one of many of his invigorating routines. Expect the focus to be on hip-opening sequences and other foundational elements, including pranayama and mantras.
Since this is taped version of one if his retreats, its format is more unconventional than other yoga DVDs.
Yoga 101 Workout

Lilias Folan is the first lady of broadcast yoga. First on PBS, then on numerous videos, DVDs, and CDs.
This DVD is ideal for a beginner, a senior, or an individual in recovery. The set includes a 12-step Sun Salutation sequence, breath instruction, and a specially-designed sound healing music.
The Best of Rodney Yee

No top 10 yoga videos list would be complete without charismatic instructor Rodney Yee.
This Power Up DVD is a three-disc set of some of Yee's older routines focused on building strength. It's just one of many examples of Yee's experience and teaching ability. Best suited for intermediate to advanced yogis.
Great Instructors

Sample the techniques of three of America's top instructors in one DVD set, presented by Yoga Journal. It features:
- Baron Baptiste, founder of Power Yoga
- Spiritual Vinyasa Yoga instructor Seane Corn
- Vinayasa Yoga and dance doyenne Shiva Rea
Each present their individual philosophies and styles in this dynamic three-disc DVD.
Namaste Yoga

Canadian instructor and yoga therapist Kate Potter has a Vinyasa Flow yoga style all her own.
This DVD is just one of many she's produced from her television show, "Namaste Yoga". Potter's routines are best suited for intermediate levels and above, but beautifully styled and well-photographed, making them worth watching no matter how experienced you are. Visit her website for updated DVD selections.
Yoga for Every Body

Body Wisdom has released a number of popular yoga DVDs over the years. This one stars instructor J.J. Gormley and features morning and evening practices and more than 35 routines to mix and match.
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Yoga for Stress Relief

This is another Body Wisdom release featuring top instructor Barbara Benagh and guidelines for meditation from the Dali Lama.
The disc offers an assortment of practices to calm the mind, body, and spirit. Some routines are a mere 20-minutes, while others last up to 90-minutes.
All Day Yoga Workout

Three terrific instructors each present a 20-minute routine:
- Rodney Yee performs a gentle a.m. yoga series.
- Suzanne Deason offers a stress-relief routine perfect for any time of day.
- Patricia Walden calms the body and mind to prepare for a restful evening.
Look for more top yoga videos in this slideshow of best yoga DVDs.